LedIoT; It is a registered trademark of Meis Elektronik Co.Ltd., which was established in 2007. Our LedIoT brand is specialized in Smart Led Lighting Control and LED Lighting Drivers.

We offer Smart LED control products, which are the technology of the near future, to the service of end users and leading led manufacturers with our high production technology,experience and competencies.

Our aim is to ensure that all led lighting products can be controlled easily and comfortably with our different control technologies. We can offer different control options with our compact designs and wide application options.

Our LedIoT WI-FI and BLE modules; In addition to being able to control lighting products only by phone with its technologies; It can be integrated into smart home control systems, you can include it in automation within different scenarios. We look forward to being together with you in different projects with our products that provide ease of installation and use.

Please contact us for your special product requests for your projects.
